Price List

Type of Services Duration Hourly Rate GST Travel Time Travel Expenses Minimum Charge
Contract 1 day per week $140 $14 No No 1 day
Contract 2 or more days per week $120 $12 No No As agreed
Casual Less than 4 hours $190 $19 Yes Yes 4 hours
Casual 4 hours or more $175 $17.50 No Yes None (hours as worked)
Casual Outside of business hours (8:30am -6:00 pm) or weekends $250 $25 Yes Yes 4 hours

All Work
GST is not included in the hourly rate and is additional to the hourly rate. A rate of $140 per hour will be billed $154 per hour, including GST. Unless agreed otherwise, all customers are given payment terms of 7 days from the date of issue of an Invoice.

Contract Work
For the purpose of this schedule, NEWSYS IT Pty Ltd shall be referred to as NEWSYS and ‘Contract’ shall be taken to mean an agreement between NEWSYS IT Pty Ltd and its customer for on going work of 1 day or more per week. For Contract work of 1 day per week, NEWSYS shall reserve the right to bill a minimum of 1 day. A “day” in this instance shall be held to consist of 8.5 hours. The figure 0.5-hour is for lunch allowances that will not be billed to the customer. Therefore, a one-day per week contact shall be billed at 8 hours.

A contract of two days or more shall have a minimum charge determined as part of the agreement between NEWSYS and its customer.

For a 4 day per week, for example, NEWSYS would reserve the right to bill a minimum of 4 days again defined as 8.5 hours less a 0.5-hour lunch allowance.

Contract work shall not be liable to charges for travel time or expenses.

Casual Work
For be purpose of this schedule, ‘Casual’ shall be taken to mean on site jobs where no agreement for ongoing work exists between NEWSYS and its customer. The billing amount shall depend upon the length of the work and special considerations as detailed below.

NEWSYS will charge for traveling expenses (where applicable) for all Casual work This will be the exact amount paid by a NEWSYS Services, representative for traveling expenses on the date of attending the customers site. If NEWSYS attends another customer whilst at the same location. The amount charged shall be a fair percentage of the bill based upon the time spent at each site. -This shall be detailed on the invoice should it occur.

For work of less than 4 hours, or after hours work, NEWSYS reserves the right to charge ‘travel time’. Travel time is billed upon the amount of time taken by a NEWSYS representative to travel from the NEWSYS office to the customer site. This charge is imposed primarily to recover a portion of NEWSYS Income for time spent traveling to and from the site when a full day of billable work might be possible.

All travel time shall be billed at one half of the applicable rate. So for a customer who will be billed at $140 per hour (plus GST of $14) for casual work, a travel time charge of $70 per hour (plus GST of $7) may apply should the work be less than 4 hours for a customer who would be billed at $250 per hour (plus GST of $25) for after-hours or weekend work, a travel time charge of $125 per hour may apply.

Travel time shall be billed ONLY for travel from NEWSYS office to the customers site.

For the purposes of schedule “outside of business hours” and “after hours” shall be taken to mean work outside of the hours of 8:30am to 6:00pm, as well as weekends and public holidays. NEWSYS reserves the right to charge time and a half ($250 per hour, plus $25 GST) for any Casual work performed outside of business hours.


NEWSYS may, at its discretion and in agreement with its customer, vary any of these terms. For example, a customer who requires casual after hours work on a regular basis may get a significant reduction on the after hours rate. A customer who requires casual work for less than 4 hours on a regular basis may have the travel time waived.

These are only examples, and variations are entirely at the discretion of NEWSYS IT Services.

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